Every journey inward is led from Shelly unique relationship with spirit. Such experiences can have a transformative effect and can lead to a new understanding of life.
Today's Meditation we saw how our perfectionism masked vulnerability. Every Sunday Shelly teaches a morning meditation in studio and live stream, please feel free to join us.
In today's Meditation Shelly guides us out of our discomfort and into our light. "I am not a Victim of My Circumstances, I am the Captain of My Experiences" For more insight join ShellyK in studio or live stream on Sunday mornings at 8:30am.
We often get confused when asking God for help. We often ask God "why" when asking for help. The "why" does not matter, ask God for help.
A brave Man knows Humility
A brave Man knows Vulnerability
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Today's meditation once again we focus on connecting with our Higher Self and what words of wisdom does it have.
Today's meditation we connect with our Higher Self exploring our connection to spirit and strength our listen skills to understand.
If the world is our Oyster, how do we get in the way of our own Spiritual Abundance? We try to control it. Today's Meditation we discuss what blocks our Joy with Shelly Kwiatkouski.
Today's Meditation offers insight into our relationship with Earth and Sky and its profound impact to a open loving heart. Enjoy
When we spread ourselves to thin we can feel overwhelmed and anxious. Today we called our energy back reminded ourselves we do enough, have enough and are enough!
Todays guided meditation is for reducing anxiety and stress while connecting to the parasympathetic nervous system.
Today's Meditation we put an emphasis on bringing the crown chakra and the first chakra in to balance. For more info listen in. xoxo
The crown chakra is the seventh chakra. Located at the top of the head, it gives us access to higher states of consciousness and wisdom. In today's meditation we make time to be still and know.
Connecting with Mother Earth, how is your relationship with Mother Earth?
Connecting with Mother Earth, how is your relationship with Mother Earth?
Happy Mother's Day! Today meditation focuses on what we nurture into existence and an opportunity to embrace our creations. So often we create what we want and once we have it, we only see the flaws in it. Not today!
How do we disconnect from the energy of the doer? What are we like to be around when we operate from the doer. We all agree it is not how we want to operate in the world, so how do we shift? Follow along to find out.
Inspired by the signs Shelly Kwiatkouski experiences throughout the day. Today it is the Red Tail Hawk and the lessons it brings. “Clear our minds to see things from a different perspective”.
Today's Meditation we meditation on the condition of our first chakra from the place of the seer. For many of us transformation starts at the first chakra and it so important not to judge where we are in life.
Today's Meditation we excavate the throat chakra and the secrets it keeps to the universe. The secret to healing any aspect of our life involves complete honesty.
Why is it so hard to let go? Today we meditate on Surrender. Surrendering by not holding on so tight to things that are out of our control and receive the gifts that come from moving forward.