Posts tagged yogateacher
Opening the Heart
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Anahata is the chakra of positive energy, connecting the lower chakras to the higher ones. When it is opened fully, the heart chakra becomes a channel for Universal Compassion — our True Self. It is here in this space that we invite the infinite love to flow through us, allowing it to heal ourselves and others.

First Chakra Meditation "our attachments"

First chakra meditation is where your spiritual journey starts. The first or root chakra stores our original beliefs about the world . Today's meditation we observe the healing that happens when we let go of our attachments to things.
Like a tree well anchored to the earth through its roots, we can weather life's storms better if we have a strong and open 1st chakra.

Meditation connecting with this Element for Clarity & Creativity

In this meditation we are guided to emphasis the element of air to create space for clarity, and insight. From feeling disconnected to connect we explore the creative process and our divine potential.

Every journey inward is lead from Shelly Kwiatkouski unique relationship with spirit. Such experiences can have a transformative effect and can lead to a new understanding of life.

Meditation "Creativity vs Logic"

There is a meaningful relationship between meditation and imagination and creativity. In this meditation we use our imagination to look at logic and how it can be the support / foundation that supports are creative process.

Every journey inward is lead from Shelly Kwiatkouski unique relationship with spirit. Such experiences can have a transformative effect and can lead to a new understanding of life.

Digging deeper into yin yoga

Restorative Yin Yoga seeks to achieve physical, mental and emotional relaxation with the aid of props. The use of props makes it easier for you to maintain balance while you are stimulating and relaxing your body. (level 1)

Every journey inward is lead from Shelly Kwiatkouski unique relationship with spirit. Such experiences can have a transformative effect and can lead to a new understanding of life.